They were expelled from one town, they had to go to Jerusalem to clear up the ever-recurring controversy about circumcision, and even the best of friends can have differences.
When Paul wanted to revisit the places they had evangelized, Barnabas wanted to take along his cousin John Mark, author of the Gospel , but Paul insisted that since Mark had deserted them once, he was not fit to take along now. Later they were reconciled—Paul, Barnabas and Mark. Barnabas is spoken of simply as one who dedicated his life to the Lord. Thereby, large numbers were added to the Lord.
St Paul mentions Barnabas severally in Acts of the Apostles and in some epistles. According to Colossians , Barnabas is mentioned as the cousin of Mark the Evangelist. It is after Christianity took root at Antioch, which was home to non-Jews, that the church at Jerusalem sent Barnabas there to take charge of evangelization. He was helped by St Paul to put the Church there in order. Around 50 AD, Barnabas and Paul were sent to Jerusalem to consult with the Church there regarding how the Gentiles were to relate to the church.
This matter was settled and they returned to Antioch with a verdict that the Gentiles did not have to adopt Jewish practices in order to be admitted into the church. In 1 Corinthians St Paul says that he and Barnabas funded their missions by working extra time and went without wives and other benefits so that they may cause no hindrance to the Good News of Christ.
One time, while at Antioch, St Peter came and freely mingled with the Gentiles and ate with them, until he was told that was against Mosaic law by some disciples of James. Peter's earlier proclamation that the laws of the Old Testament would not be mandatory for Christians. Barnabas, apostle Feast day: Jun Barnabas and Paul finally separated in their ministries, while remaining apostles of the one Catholic Church, over Paul's insistence that Mark not travel with them again.
Mark is said to have buried Barnabas after he was killed by a mob in Cyprus around the year Paul and St. Mark were, in turn, reconciled before St. Paul's martyrdom five years later. He is said to have been stoned to death in Salamis in the year Luke described Barnabas as 'a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and of faith' Acts , and he was known for his exceptional kindliness and personal sanctity, and his openness to pagans.
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