The area code was The first two characters are taken from the letters W and I in WIgan. On an old rotary dial telephone this was entered by dialling the numbers 9, 4 and 2. The blue icons on the map represent the locations of telephone exchanges serving the area. Click on an icon for more details. Toggle navigation geopunk. The Wigan Area Code Wigan Dialling Code The area code is a 4 digit geographical dialling code excluding the zero used in telecommunications for the Wigan area.
The local telephone numbers within the are 6 digits long. Where is the Area Code? When do I need to use the Wigan dialling code? Use the links on this page to learn more about how to call a phone number in Wigan, United Kingdom. To call a telephone number in Wigan from Australia, simply: 1. Dial International Access Code for Australia: 2.
Dial country code for United Kingdom: 44 3. Dial area code for Wigan: 4. Dial the phone number in Wigan. To call a telephone number in Wigan from South Africa, simply: 1.
To call a telephone number in Wigan from Canada, simply: 1.