The teacher graded our homework. Examples: Who made the birthday cake? Who is in the kitchen? Who is going to do the dishes? Examples: Whom are you going to invite? Whom did he blame for the accident? Whom did he hire to do the job? Examples: Whose camera is this?
Whose dog is barking outside? Whose cell phone keeps ringing? Examples: He doesn't know who the boss of the company is. I know the man who won the contest.
Examples: We knew the actress who starred in the movie. That always indicates a clause that is essential to the meaning of the sentence because it defines or identifies the noun it refers to. An essential clause does not take a comma before it. Which is used in a non-essential clause modifying an animal or a thing. A non-essential clause is one that gives secondary, non-essential information about a noun that is already fully identified.
A non-essential clause is separated from its noun with a comma:. The relative pronoun who may cause confusion because it has both a subject form who and an object form whom. The key to choosing between these forms is to see what the pronoun is doing in its own clause.
Use who if the pronoun is the subject of the verb in the dependent clause. Use whom if the pronoun is the object of the verb in the dependent clause. Use whom if the pronoun is the object of a preposition in the dependent clause. Then replace that pronoun with who or whom , using the following rule:.
Skip to content Skip to institutional links. Contact Us. Search Canada. Important notice Good news! Search and Functionalities Area Search Canada. Who and whom are used mainly for people. However, these pronouns can also be used to refer to animals that are mentioned by name and seen as persons.
The musician who wrote this song is Canadian. The witnesses whom I interviewed gave conflicting evidence. The vacuum scared our cat Scooter, who was sleeping on the rug. Phrasal verbs are generally used in spoken English and informal texts. Check out our list of hundreds of phrasal verbs classified in alphabetical order. Do you want to provide emphasis, freshness of expression, or clarity to your writing?
Check out this list of figures of speech! Do you need to learn the irregular verbs in English? Here is a list of irregular verbs with definitions and examples!