Why do muslims worship allah

First of all, their attributes are different. Also, since his power is more important than his other attributes, there is an unequal emphasis on power over his other attributes. In the end, a follower cannot know God or even be sure of the consistency of his attributes.

On the other hand, because Yahweh is by nature a triune unity his attributes stem from his nature. The eternal relationship within the Trinity promotes love within the Godhead and extends to his creation. Also, since his attributes are based on his unchanging nature rather than his powerful will, all his attributes are equal and promote trustworthiness rather than capriciousness.

This means that believers can know God and be sure of his attributes. Second, Christians understand the nature of God to be triune Father, Son and Holy Spirit , which is the only way that Jesus Christ, as the second person of the Trinity, could die on the cross to pay for our sins. If Jesus were not God himself, then his death on the cross would be meaningless. However, Muslims deny that Jesus died on the cross and they reject the belief in his resurrection from the dead.

Only a triune God, defined as one essence and three persons, could become incarnate and still remain God of the universe, and yet this is the God that Muslims reject. For them, Jesus cannot be God nor can God be a Father, for he cannot have a son. But wait a minute, some will say. This semantic [shibboleth] strangulation can be cleared up if we remember that words have both a denotative and a connotative meaning. Denotation refers to a dictionary definition, so it would be correct to say that Yahweh and Allah both refer to the concept of God, especially for their respective language groups.

Rather, fulfilling this purpose of life is an active daily pursuit from the Islamic perspective. Hence, a Muslim can be engaged in worship throughout the day, be it at home, work or anywhere else. Certain criteria determine whether an act can be considered worship. For an action to be regarded as worship, it must be performed with the pure intention of pleasing God. Therefore, the concept of worship in Islam encourages people to connect with God in every action they take, strengthening their bond with their Creator.

In doing so, a person gains a sense of true peace that comes with carrying out their purpose in life. While God has inspired an intuitive moral sense in every individual, people do not always act in a just and ethical manner.

In fact, our ability to judge between right and wrong can often be muddled by external influences, outward appearances or ulterior motives. Hence, having a moral compass alone does not enable one to internalize righteousness or bring one closer to God.

Read more: Morality and Ethics in Islam. In order to guide humans to His worship and to truly differentiate between good and evil, God sent prophets as teachers and role models.

He also revealed holy scriptures which provide us with knowledge directly from God and serve as manuals for virtuous living. The combination of prophetic examples and divine scriptures reinforces our moral inclinations and equips us with the knowledge to discern between right and wrong. They also provide us with the criterion which enables us to assess our own motives and deeds. Above all, they teach us how to worship God and to lead a life that pleases Him. The Quran, the only divine book to remain intact in its original text, upholds the pure teachings of previous revelations.

The guidance of the Quran and the example of Prophet Muhammad p , whose teachings have been meticulously preserved, form the basis of worship in Islam. It must be noted here that while Muslims esteem all of the prophets sent by God, including Jesus and Muhammad p , they do not worship any of them. In fact, worshipping any one besides the One God is strictly prohibited in Islam. Rather, Muslims invoke God to send blessings upon all the messengers and prophets.

It provides guidance in all areas of life. The recitation, study and memorization of Quran form a central facet of worship for Muslims. The Quran is also recited during every prayer. Although it is widely read in its original Arabic, various translations in numerous languages are also available. Read more: Quran, the Word of God. Islam enjoins Muslims to offer five prayers throughout the day at dawn, noon, mid-afternoon, sunset and night.

Prayer enables Muslims to physically and mentally take a break from their worldly activities to connect with God several times a day. The prayers consist of praising God while standing, bowing and prostrating, maintaining the practice of Muhammad, Jesus, Moses and all the other prophets, peace be upon them all. On Fridays, Muslims attend a special congregational noon prayer, complete with a brief sermon. Click here to learn more. The house of worship in Islam is called a mosque. Many Muslims congregate at mosques for prayer while others choose to pray at home, work or wherever they may be.

While the primary use of a mosque is prayer, it also serves as a community center with people gathering to listen to lectures, attend study groups or enjoy communal dinners. Earlier prophets and their followers were all Muslims submitters to Allah , though Muslims do tend to conflate the general and specific meanings of the words Islam and Muslim. Their messages and books, however, became corrupted or were lost.

Unlike the biblical Yahweh sometimes misread as Jehovah , he has no personal name, and his traditional 99 names are really epithets. Two important titles of Allah occur in a phrase that typically prefaces texts: Bismillah, al-Rahman, al-Rahim In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful. Allah is also the Master of the Day of Judgment, when the good, especially believers, will be sent to their heavenly reward, and the wicked, especially unbelievers, will be dispatched to hellfire.

In their prayers and on other occasions including battles and street protests , Muslims declare that Allah is the greater than anything else Allahu akbar.

All Muslims and most Christians acknowledge that they believe in the same god even though their understandings differ. Arabic-speaking Christians call God Allah, and Gideon bibles, quoting John in different languages, assert that Allah sent his son into the world. Allah is not a trinity of three persons and has no son who was incarnate made flesh as a man.

Some Christians therefore deny that Allah is the god they acknowledge. Yet, they seem sure that Jews worship the same god despite similarly rejecting the trinity and the incarnation. Some will reply that while there are competing interpretations of the one Jesus, God and Allah have different origins.


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