I forget Leeeeet's go! Six months out of every year We know there is no other dame Husbands: He's out, he's safe, he's out Housewives: If he isn't home by six it's six to one There's a game Leeeeet's go!
Six months out of every year When we cook for them it never pays Ugh. Instead of praising our goulash They're appraising the plays of Willy Mays! He's out, he's safe, he's out, he's safe, he's out, he's safe, he's out Six months out of every year Strike 3 ball 4, walk a run'll tie the score We might as well be wearing crepe Fly ball double play, Yankees win again today Life is just an awful bore from which I find Those damn Yankees, why can't we beat them?
He's out, he's safe, he's out, he's safe, he's out, he's safe, he's out No escape Yer blind ump! We're dying for the mercury to drop to 3 below Leeeet's go! We're crying for the happy days of icicles and snow Leeeet's go! We don't mind sleeping solo that is once a year or so Those Damn Yankees But with them it's a career! What are you waiting for? September Oof! Six months out of every year! Yer blind ump, yer blind ump, you must be out of your mind ump! Go directly to shout page. View full artist profile.
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Presumably inspired by the musical of the same name, Nugent once also explained that he coined the name because whenever someone asked him how he and Tommy Shaw would sound playing together, he would always reply by saying they would sound like "a bunch of damn Yankees.