One of our experienced doctors will monitor your progress and ensure that you stay healthy and on track to reach your weight loss goals. A diet of calories per day is designed to give your body the basic nutrition it needs while accelerating the weight loss process.
One of our doctors will meet with you to personalize your entire treatment plan. In general, our patients avoid sugar and eat two meals every day. The meals contain one of each of the following: protein, vegetable, bread, and fruit. The portion size will be restricted to maintain the calorie limit. However, you can drink unlimited water, coffee, and tea while you are dieting.
Since each patient is unique, treatment times may vary. One of our doctors will recommend a personalized treatment plan for you during your initial consultation.
However, our average recommended treatment plan is 8 weeks. Once your treatment is complete, you do not need to maintain a calorie diet, which is not healthy for long-term dieting. However, we do recommend that you make changes to your lifestyle to ensure that you will enjoy the results of your treatment for years to come. This may vary for each patient, but typically includes a balanced, nutritious diet and a regular exercise regimen.
With the right lifestyle changes, your final results could be permanent. If you are an adult man or woman who is unsatisfied with your current weight and want a straightforward, intensive treatment designed to help you shed pounds, you could be an ideal candidate for this treatment.
A good candidate is generally healthy, is not severely overweight, and is committed to capitalizing on the success of treatment by making long-term lifestyle changes to maintain their results and avoid re-gaining weight after treatment. They should also have realistic, informed expectations about the possible results they could see from this treatment. This treatment is not ideal for patients who are pregnant or nursing. In addition, patients with dietary restrictions or requirements may not be ideal candidates due to the strict nature of the accompanying diet.
Finally, those who experience conditions such as diabetes may not be ideal candidates. If you are unsure about your candidacy for treatment, one of our doctors can help you determine whether hCG shots are right for you.
The first step in your treatment process is an initial consultation with one of our doctors. Your doctor will ask you questions about your medical history, any current medications or medical conditions, and your ideal goals from this treatment. However, no evidence supports these claims. The hCG diet is a very low fat , very low calorie diet. While people seeking minimal weight loss may spend 3 weeks on the middle phase, those seeking significant weight loss may be advised to follow the diet for 6 weeks — and even repeat all phases of the cycle several times.
Mineral water, coffee, and tea are allowed as well. The hCG diet is usually divided into three phases. During the weight loss phase, you take hCG while eating only calories per day. Most of the hCG products on the market today are labeled as homeopathic. In general, homeopathy involves the use of potent substances that have been highly diluted.
Real hCG, in the form of injections, is administered as a fertility drug or hormone treatment. These products are unregulated, and they contain unknown ingredients. As a result, they should be avoided 1 , 2. These may be largely due to its starvation-level calorie intake, which is almost guaranteed to make people feel miserable.
In one case study, a year-old woman was on the hCG diet when blood clots developed in her leg and lungs. It was determined that the diet likely caused the clots and other side effects The hCG diet limits calorie intake to around calories per day for weeks at a time, making it an extreme weight loss diet. Speak with a doctor, dietitian, or nutritionist to determine which method might be right for you.
Furthermore, it may be unsafe for some people and in certain dosages. What is HCG, and what role does it play in pregnancy tests? Experts say that the HCG diet is neither safe nor effective. HCG has FDA approval as a prescription medication for treating fertility issues, but they warn against using it for weight loss.
The use of HCG can cause a range of potential side effects, including :. Another concerning aspect of the HCG diet is that its promoters often recommend that people severely restrict their calorie intake to around per day. Although a very-low-calorie diet VLCD may promote short-term weight loss, it puts people at risk of potentially serious side effects, including:.
People who follow the HCG diet typically limit their calorie intake to around per day. They also take HCG as oral drops, pellets, or sprays or receive injections. However, this is misleading and potentially dangerous. In addition, consuming calories per day is a very low energy intake. Restricting calories to this extent may be harmful for the body.
Also, there is no evidence to suggest that the supplements are safe or beneficial. Is a calorie diet safe? Find out here. LH stimulates Leydig cells in the testicles, which results in the production of testosterone. LH also stimulates production of sperm within structures in the testicles called seminiferous tubules.
As hCG stimulates the testicles to produce testosterone and sperm, the testicles grow in size over time. In a small study of older men with partial hypogonadism, hCG increased testosterone levels compared to a placebo control. However, hCG had no effect on sexual function. In one study , men taking testosterone along with hCG were able to maintain testosterone production in the testicles. In a study , men taking testosterone along with hCG were able to maintain adequate sperm production.
It can help restore sperm production as well. In rare cases, people taking hCG have developed blood clots. Although also rare, allergic reactions can occur, including mild skin rashes and severe anaphylactic reactions. Several products are available that are marketed as over-the-counter OTC homeopathic hCG products for weight loss. Additionally, this extremely low calorie diet can be unsafe for many people.
Possible side effects of extremely restrictive diets include:.