Surgery can take three or more hours. A typical hospital stay after an elective sigmoidectomy is two to four days. After the procedure, you are given liquids and your doctor waits for you to have a bowel movement. After a period of observation, you are allowed to start eating solid foods and go home. Once home, your doctor recommends avoiding driving or lifting anything heavy. You should also avoid movements or exercises that could strain the abdomen. Complications of elective sigmoidectomy are rare.
You may experience leakage from the ends of the colon that were surgically attached. Treatment for a leak may be as simple as taking antibiotics. With more severe episodes, another operation may be necessary. Bleeding, infection, and blood clots are other potential complications of the procedure.
We can help you find a doctor. Call or browse our specialists. If you need help accessing our website, call Skip to main content. Surgery for Diverticular Disease. What to Expect After Surgery A typical hospital stay after an elective sigmoidectomy is two to four days. Our Research and Education in Diverticular Disease in Adults Learn more about our research and professional education opportunities.
For more on how this information was prepared, click here. Learn more here about the development and quality assurance of healthdirect content. Diverticulitis happens when out-pouchings in the bowel wall called diverticula become inflamed or infected, due to faecal matter becoming lodged in the pouches.
Read more on myDr website. Read more on Better Health Channel website. Steatorrhoea is a symptom of malabsorption syndrmes like coeliac disease. It causes pale, smelly and loose stools with a high fat content.
Read more on HealthEngine website. What is constipation? Find out about symptoms, causes, risk factors and diagnosis. Plus, when you should seek medical advice. Diarrhoea is when more than three loose, watery stools are passed within one day.
The stools passed by someone experiencing diarrhoea are between Type 5 and Type 7 on the Bristol Stool Chart. Diarrhoea may be either acute, lasting for up to two weeks, or chronic, lasting for over four weeks. Read more on Ausmed Education website. Diagnostic imaging is often not indicated in chronic abdominal pain.
In particular, undifferentiated abdominal pain is rarely an indication for a CT scan. Read more on Australian Prescriber website. Healthdirect Australia is not responsible for the content and advertising on the external website you are now entering. There is a total of 5 error s on this form, details are below. Please enter your name Please enter your email Your email is invalid. Eating a high-fiber diet is one recommended way to help prevent diverticulitis.
A hemicolectomy is a surgery to remove part of the colon. They help your doctor see the organs, blood vessels, and bones in your…. Your small intestines, also called the small bowel, are very important for maintaining good digestive health.
You may need surgery to remove a damaged…. What does abdominal bloating look like? Check out photos of abdominal bloating and read what may be causing your bloating and pain.
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At-home microbiome testing kits can be a first step. We look at these and give our recommendations for your overall gut health questions. Cholangitis is inflammation swelling in the bile duct. Treatment depends on your symptoms and whether you have chronic or acute cholangitis.
Gastroparesis is a condition in which your stomach empties into your small intestine too slowly. Learn about the best diet for gastroparesis and what…. Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas and causes abdominal tenderness and pain. Learn more.