Why does Macbeth believe he needs to kill King Duncan? Why does Macbeth kill King Duncan's two chamberlains? Why does Macbeth kill Banquo? How does Lady Macbeth's death affect Macbeth? What convinces Macbeth that he is invincible over Macduff's army?
How does the Witches' prophecy about Banquo come true? Quotes Children. What, all my pretty chickens and their dam At one fell swoop 4.
Had I as many sons as I have hairs I would not wish them a fairer death 5. Previous section Guilt Next section Patriotism. Popular pages: Macbeth.
In lines , how does Macbeth characterize Banquo? Macbeth characterizes Banquo as wise and brave, but also acts safely. He also calls Banquo very smart. Does Macbeth have a valid reason to be fearful of Banquo? In lines , Macbeth challenges fate to enter the combat arena so that he can fight it to the death. As often in many stories, in a fight against fate, Macbeth will not win. What has Macbeth led the murderers to believe about Banquo? Macbeth has led them to believe that Banquo is the source of all their problems and pain.
Macbeth needs certain people that are friends with Banquo, so he must pretend to be hurt by his passing. How has Macbeth changed since the beginning of the play? They must make sure to kill both Banquo and his son Fleance, tonight, or there might not be another opportunity. Hear it not Duncan, for it is a knell that summons they to heaven or to hell.
They are similar because Macbeth says both of these couplets prior to the murders he has planned. Because sometimes you can waste all your time and energy to achieve a goal that may not be worth it Reread lines What advice has Lady Macbeth given her husband about what he has done? What metaphor does Macbeth use to describe his present situation?
Why is this comparison ironic? To not think too much about the things he has done, because they cannot be changed. He says that they have scorched the snake but not killed it. This is ironic because earlier on in the story, Lady Macbeth told the story of the raven and the serpent. How is the motif of sleeplessness highlighted in lines ? Macbeth is not able to sleep, because when he does, he gets horrible nightmares. Macbeth says that they must make their faces like masks, and disguise their true intentions.
Fly, good Fleance, fly, fly, fly! Notice that Macbeth admits his fear in the aside in lines What further actions might Macbeth take as a result of his fears?
He might try to kill Fleance once again. It is ironic because Banquo is obviously not safe, as Macbeth just had him killed. In lines , who or what is the serpent?
Banquo; Fleance To whom is Macbeth talking to in lines ? In what way are his words true? Why is this situation ironic? Because she once had a fit before in order to cover up the guilt of herself and her husband after they killed Duncan. In lines , Lady Macbeth has resumed her earlier goading role, taunting Macbeth for being womanly or acting weakly. What is her motivation? She calls him womanly in order to try and make him act more manly.
In lines , how does Macbeth show ambition in this scene- in other words, what does he hope to accomplish? Do you think that Macbeth will succeed? Considering lines , how could Macbeth be characterized at this point? Cite evidence. Macbeth has become so paranoid, that he will truly do anything in order to protect himself. Does it seem that he can be a successful king?
No; He has not changed for the better. What does she plan to do to Macbeth and why? What does the lord believe will happen if Macduff is successful? What is Macbeth preparing for at the end of Act 3? A war. What do lines reveal about Macbeth and his decline? Even the witches think that he is wicked. Refer to lines What does Macbeth command the witches to do?
Do you think Macbeth is sane? Defend your opinion. He commands them to answer his question. He wants them to know that he must know the answer to his question, but any means necessary, even the worst of disasters.
No, I think he has lost his mind after coming to power and then constantly being in a state of paranoia that someone would take him from his position of power. Detail the revelations from the four apparitions conjured up by the witches and how they effect Macbeth. The First apparition, an armed head, tells him to beware Macduff. The second apparition, a bloody child, tells him that no man born from a woman will kill him.
The third apparition, a child crowned with a tree in his hand, tells him that he shall be king until Birnam Wood comes to Dunsinane Hill. What effect do you think the prophecy will have on Macbeth? Macbeth will assume that he is safe, and become cocky in his ways.
Even though Macbeth feels safe after what the apparitions have told him, he still wants to kill Macduff. Why are lines ironic? Which type of irony do they demonstrate? Macbeth damns all that trust them, when indeed, he himself seems to trust them.
It reveals that because of the original prophecy, he wants to know, because his ambition is controlling him. In lines , what news has Lennox just brought to Macbeth? That Macduff has fled to England. Macbeth believes that Macduff has gone to England because he is a traitor, therefore Macbeth thinks that he must respond by taking action.
How does the murder of Duncan show that Macbeth has not always been governed by impulse. Why is Lady Macduff upset? She is upset because Macduff has fled to England with out telling her, and left her with her son in their castle.
Nobody in Scotland trusts Macbeth at this point. She says that on earth, sometimes doing good is frowned upon, and doing the wrong thing will get you somewhere. And Macduff has fled to try and save Scotland, but his actions are being frowned upon by even his own wife. He is telling the people to fight against their country, in order to get their country back from Macbeth. What does Malcolm reveal about his own character with such talk? He reveals that he has overpowering lust, and many other vices that are not fit for a king to have.
What does Malcolm say about his greed? Macduff responds by describing uncontrolled desire as a tyrant of human nature that has caused the early downfall of many kings. But when Malcolm is king, his lustful appetite can be satisfied by the many women willing to give themselves to a king.
Malcolm says that he has insatiable greed that would cause him to take so much from his people. Macduff says that he recognizes that greed is a deeper-rooted problem than lust, because lust passes. It just seems like Macduff wants to take Macbeth off the throne, and he thinks the easiest option is to get Malcolm to help him, because he is the rightful heir.
Why does Malcolm pretend to be evil? How can the audience tell that test of Macduff is now over? He was testing Macduff loyalty to Scotland because he does not know Macduff well and is unsure of his motives.
Malcolm tells Macduff that he has lied about those things, and that he will indeed help Macduff to take back Scotland. What emotions does Macbeth inspire as a tragic hero at this point?
Macbeth has inspired a frenzy, where violent sorrow is commonplace, with screams and howls in the streets. In lines , what does Ross think would fuel the ambition of the people of Scotland to fight against Macbeth? The presence of Malcolm and Macduff in Scotland. What difference between Malcolm and Duncan does this scene highlight?
But Malcolm is unlike his father in this way, because he intends to stand up to Macbeth. It foreshadows that he will kill Macbeth. Like a ripe fruit, Macbeth is ready to fall. Reread lines , in which Lady Macbeth relives how she persuaded her husband to murder Duncan.
What appears to have happened to Lady Macbeth as a result of their plot? She appears to have nightmares because of her guilt. Here, Macduff is angry at himself and others who will not stand up to Macbeth. Tyrant, show thy face! I cannot strike at wretched kerns, whose arms Are hired to bear their staves.
Either thou, Macbeth, Or else my sword with an unbattered edge I sheathe again undeeded. There thou shouldst be; By this great clatter, one of the greatest note Seems bruited. Let me find him, Fortune, And more I beg not. Macduff is determined to kill Macbeth and revenge the brutal murder of his family, as this short speech from Act 5, scene 7 makes clear.
Macduff calls on Fortune to help him find Macbeth and kill him, echoing the role of fate and the supernatural in the play, as represented elsewhere by the Witches. Macbeth has already learned that Birnam Wood did move, as the Witches predicted.
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