Why does magibon

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Has being immersed in the language and culture helped? As always, you can see all of Magibon's videos on her YouTube channel and she is now posting on her own Japanese language blog. This interview was conducted over e-mail by AJ Mazur in February By using this site, you are agreeing by the site's terms of use and privacy policy and DMCA policy. No thanks, take me back to the meme zone!

Like us on Facebook! Interview Q: To start off, could you bring us all up to speed about the latest goings on in the world of Magibon? A: If you look back at some old interviews, you can find where I mentioned a singer a couple times. The reason was that he had contacted me through his talent agency before I first came to Japan. I didn't even know who he was at first but I thought it was cool that he noticed me, so I took an interest.

In early , we started talking in person and he was very charming but his agency was constantly harassing and threatening me. I told him about it and he said not to worry about them, but then it got a lot worse.

I didn't hear from the guy again. Shortly after that I ended up without a place to sleep for 2 or 3 months, which became a miserable situation. For the past year I've just been thinking what to make of the world. A: Some cool stuff has happened to me but I don't think I'm a success story. You are thinking of the sign outside of Yodobashi Akiba… that was fun.

A: It hasn't been that long, has it? I never experienced the culture shock that people talk about. I loved Japan when I first came here and I love it now. The results for the person are : -Thinking part of ones soul is gone. Watch me do nothing. Arigato , ja ne! I feel empty and cold now? A popular YouTube celebrity whose videos mainly contain her just staring at the camera for several seconds.


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